Growing together
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Faith Student Ministry is for anyone in Junior High or High School. We usually meet twice a week on Sunday mornings @ 10:30 am for worship and again on Wednesday nights @ 6:30pm for our main weekly gathering. Beyond our regular weekly meetings we often get together for fun activities.

Weekly Events
Sunday Mornings @ 10:30 am
On Sunday mornings we gather together upstairs in the Upper Room at 10:30am for our Student Service. Students can expect to worship God and encounter the truth of God’s Word and learn the core principles of the faith together with their peers. On the last Sunday of every month, we take a break from our Student Service to volunteer and serve the other ministries in our church, such as the hospitality ministry and the children’s ministry.
Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 pm
We get together every Wednesday night in the Upper Room to hang out, play games, worship, and learn together. Think of it like our version of a Sunday morning church service, but with more fun stuff thrown into the mix! It's a time to build relationships with other students, worship Jesus, and grow in your faith. This is a great first step in getting connected with Faith Student Ministry.