You may not be called to move and minister to the unreached of the world to spread the gospel, but every one of us can certainly pray. Below is a link to the Joshua Project prayer cards. Click on the card to see a different people group and their prayer needs each day.
For further information contact: Tiffany Scher,, 602-290-5494
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The reason so many of us in the United States ever learned about Jesus is because faithful believers from Israel and beyond, across dozens of generations, crossed cultures to share the Good News. We could have been an unreached people group if not for these messengers we call "emissaries." For decades, Faith Church has been sending laborers to harvest fields in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Mexico because we want to experience the joy of finding "people of peace" God has prepared to receive the gospel for the first time. We want to train these new believers to be like yeast and help birth movements of churches that will keep reproducing.

Join the Mission
Before we send workers, we train them well to start making disciples here, so they can proclaim Jesus in places where He is not known...yet. You can fill out the form below to start the process of getting involved!