Adult Classes

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...

2 Peter 3:18

To be a disciple of Jesus means to become a life-long learner. Our Adult Classes offer opportunities to learn more about the Christian faith in an interactive classroom setting. Beyond providing relevant teaching on the Scripture, our Adult Class are also a great place to develop new relationships and support one another in prayer.

Accidental Pharisees

Starting March 3rd, we will begin an 8-week class inspired by the book, Accidental Pharisees by pastor & author Larry Osborne. As Osborne explains in the introduction of his book, “It's about accidental Pharisees—people like you and me who, despite the best of intentions and a desire to honor God, unwittingly end up pursuing an overzealous model of faith that sabotages the work of the Lord we think we're serving. The problem is not spiritual zeal. That's a good thing. We're all called to be zealous for the Lord. The problem is unaligned spiritual passion, a zeal for the Lord that fails to line up with the totality of Scripture.”
This class is designed to shine a light on ways we can fall into the same traps of pride, exclusivity, and legalism as the Pharisees in Jesus’ days. Pride is subtle, multi-faceted, and threatens to derail us from the path toward Christlikeness. Please join us from 9:00am-10:15am on Sunday mornings in Room 108.


This class is mostly made up of senior adults who take part in further Bible Study and discussions after the Traditional Service. TLC class begins at 10:00 am in Room 110. Members of this class enjoy several other additional activities together, including social gatherings and service projects.